Я Вас не игнорирую – просто Вы малозначимы, Я не туплю – я не в настроении, Я не разгильдяй – я просто люблю поспать,Я не язвителен – просто, говорю, что думаю, Я не высокомерен – просто я лучше многих...
Its the reaper, inside of me, creeping oh so quietly
A sleeper-cell in time of peace, sitting on its tendencies
For acting out so violently, a violet, silent tide at sea
Then red october suddenly, free the beast
Free free free the beast, let go the leash and watch it eat
Free free free the beast, pound your feet give it a treat
Listen or download 100 Monkeys Reaper for free on Prostopleer
A sleeper-cell in time of peace, sitting on its tendencies
For acting out so violently, a violet, silent tide at sea
Then red october suddenly, free the beast
Free free free the beast, let go the leash and watch it eat
Free free free the beast, pound your feet give it a treat
Listen or download 100 Monkeys Reaper for free on Prostopleer