Я Вас не игнорирую – просто Вы малозначимы, Я не туплю – я не в настроении, Я не разгильдяй – я просто люблю поспать,Я не язвителен – просто, говорю, что думаю, Я не высокомерен – просто я лучше многих...
I see the children in the rain like the parade before the pain.
I see the love;
I see the hate;
I see this world that we can make!
Watch the beauty of all our lies passing right before my eyes.
I hear the hate in all your words all the wars to make us hurt.
Hear us whisper in the dark hear in the rain you see the spark!
Feel the beating of our heart fleeting hope as we depart
We will fight or we will fall... till the angels sing our song
I see the love;
I see the hate;
I see this world that we can make!
Watch the beauty of all our lies passing right before my eyes.
I hear the hate in all your words all the wars to make us hurt.
Hear us whisper in the dark hear in the rain you see the spark!
Feel the beating of our heart fleeting hope as we depart
We will fight or we will fall... till the angels sing our song